XYZ Mini Manipulator



The XYZ Mini Manipulator is a precision, high rigidity UHV specimen translator having X, Y and Z motions. The standard mounting flange is DN 63CF and the standard travelling flange is DN 40CF. All three axes are merged in one miniature stage that delivers outstanding performance at exceptionally low prices. The translators can work in any orientation.


The XYZ Mini Manipulator has been designed for ease and convenience of use. X and Y movement is +/- 12,5 mm, depending on the accessories that are fitted. Z movement is 75-250 mm, depending on the application.

Additional information

Only the Z movement can be motorised.

Technical data

Positional control X, Y Micrometer
Positional control Z Handwheel
Bakeout temperature 150°C
Mounting flange DN 63CF or DN 100CF
Travelling flange DN 40CF
XY range ±12.5 mm
Resolution 5 μm
Repeatability 5 μm
Z range 75 - 200 mm
Resolution Z (manual) 0.05 mm