Multichamber XPS/UPS system for catalyst research [project 010]

Prevac PV010


A custom multi-chamber UHV system for the investigation of physical and chemical properties of novel catalyst materials.


Multi-chamber (analytical and preparation) system with linear sample transport between chambers under true UHV conditions (pressure lower than 10-10 mbar). The base pressure in the analytical chambers is < 5*10-11 mbar. Catalytic reactions can be performed at pressures up to and including 2000 mbar with rapid pump down and transfer to the analysis chamber.

Prevac PV010
  • Spherical multi technique analytical chamber integra­ting different surface analysis methods: Monochro­matic X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (MXPS), Mo­nochromatic Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS) and Photoelectron Emission Microscopy (PEEM). Sample positioning is via a very stable, high precision, 5-axis manipulator with two rotational axes motorised for automatic angular mapping. The sample receiving station is equipped with a LN2 cryostat that allows tem­perature variation over the range -180°C to 1000°C (dependent on sample holder model). The chamber is fabricated from mu-metal and equipped with a hemi­spherical analyzer with 2D detector, a monochromatic X-ray source, UV source, monochromator, and a 40 nm resolution PEEM
  • UHV vacuum  system with combination of maglev turbo molecular pumps, ion pumps and titanium sublimation pumps. Surface analytical chamber and preparation chambers can be baked independently. The hemispherical analyzer is mounted in a horizontal position
  • Spherical preparation chamber mounted above the analysis chamber is equipped with ion source, mass spectrometer, electron beam evaporator, gas doser and several ports for future expansion
  • High pressure reactor for sample heating (up to 650°C) and cooling in controlled gas atmospheres at pressures up to 2000 mbar
  • Sample park chamber for 6 sample holders
  • Load lock chamber